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Thigh highs!

(Not that we have to have a goal of wearing thigh-highs if you're not into it, but rather maybe your thighs will feel high...after this sequence?) This is a little yin flow that will hopefully feel like a good, deep stretch, especially for the tops of the thighs. You know, at first I wasn't really into the quietude and long-held poses of yin, but over the years I have really come to enjoy it as a meditative time. I love reading the poetry of great sages such as Rumi and Hafiz, and just recently I bought a really lovely book by the translator Daniel Ladinsky called Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West. Firstly, may I say, I feel like Ladinsky really puts things in a way that seems both authentic and modern, capturing the essence of what these spiritual masters were saying in relatable language for the reader of today. Secondly, besides the aforementioned poets, he gives us chapters on Rabia, Meister Eckhart, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis of Assisi, Kabir, St. Teresa of Avila, Tukaram, St. Catherine of Siena, Mira, and St. John of the Cross. So I've been plowing through this, using many of these poems as inspiration in my classes and in my personal practice lately. They really encourage us to go inward, to go deep, and seek and find what we have hidden inside. These words encourage the mystic within us, and they can really help us find our intention on those days when nothing really seems to stand out to set our minds on. If you need a short one to focus on for this yin practice, here's one Ladinsky gives us from Meister Ekhart*:


Everything I see, hear, touch, feel, taste,

speak, think,


is completing a perfect circle

God has drawn.

*I do not own, nor claim to own any copyright to this poem or translation


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